This is me aged 2 and a half I'd say. Our family went to visit Nana in Enoggerra for Christmas and my parents must have loved me because they bought me the best present ever. I remember playing with this Tree house for hours and hours. I bet mum thought it was the best present ever too!
Over the years I have wondered what happened to my Tree house. I even stalked eBay for a while to get one but they were all incomplete or cost half my grocery bill in postage and I just couldn't justify it.
So you could imagine my joy when I found out they had reproduced it and pimped it up a little. I asked my older 2 kids if I should get one and they convinced me i should so i went ahead and ordered it (because you should always take advice from 11 year olds when there are no other adults around :) Dman will be getting this for Christmas i think, breaking all my rules of buying and supporting hand made. Forehead slap! I just had to... damn you awesome childhood memories. I'm thinking I'll make a playmat for it so it will come complete with handmade goodness aswell...

Now to convince fox that the price is okay and that it's a unisex toy...lol
PS. since i ordered it, I have found it cheaper and in stock on other sites
PPS. don't tell fox