I guess the randomness is partly my fault. It turns out the poor kid was most likely bored. We rotate his toys and put stuff away then bring it out. But that totally lost it's charm and the toys were not getting played with after only a day. Dman really enjoys playing with the duplo Lego and has been making all sorts of planes and the like. So we thought we'd add to his tiny collection and this is what we got. Lets just say, we should have done it sooner, he's been so happy creating all sorts of things with his Lego. Even copying the pictures on the box and matching the numbered blocks with the right number group. (so proud of his brilliance) :)
The big Lego man is actually a torch that i really wanted but it looks like i have a fight on my hands for it. It's definitely a winner and Con, my big boy already has plans to use him in one of his Lego movies. He's already made a few but sadly our graphics card died and we're still waiting to get another good one, so that project is on hold. I will post it when he's done. It's really cool.
And here's a gorgeous shot from the weekend. It has to be the prettiest sky I've seen in a long time. I'm still getting to know my new camera, but I think I'm getting better at choosing the right settings.
Beautiful night Skies over Townsville